Archive for the ‘ Architecture ’ Category - Page 2

Creating buildings that will provide disaster proof housing and other critical structures is immensely important, especially in certain areas that are more prone to more frequent emergency activity. Specifically, seismic safe structures have rightly become a core focus of architects and construction firms, with earthquake proof

16 October 2020

Increasingly digital technologies are often associated with areas like computing, the Internet of Things devices, and other electronics, but the reality is that digitalization is revolutionizing every industry. The construction industry may not be the first area you think of when it comes to digitalization, but increasingly complex and technol

17 June 2020

The advent of computers and modeling software unequivocally changed the construction, architecture, and design industries like never before. Where previously architects would use hand tools to draw, and mockup building, the new age of computerization meant that Building Information Modeling (BIM) systems were the new normal. Talented engineers

13 March 2020

Architects face many challenges in the modern world. Advances in technology have opened up new horizons for architectural design, but on the flipside have created an almost continuous state of flux in which architects are required to learn and implement new techniques regularly. Before we take a look at Building Information Modelling or BIM adoption and some advice o

17 July 2018

Drones are an exciting new technology, whose use continues to expand into new industries, and the construction industry is no exception. Typically, in today’s term, “drone” is used to refer to unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and that is what we’ll focus on in this article. For reference, the Federal Aviation Administration refers to these craft as unmanned air

3 April 2018

There are two key drivers for managing BIM processes collaboratively onsite: Firstly, for years contractors have had difficulty in turning designs into cost effective, high quality, build solutions. The reason for this is that a large part of the construction based on traditional construction processes that are time intensive, prone to inconsistency, inaccuracy, and

14 August 2017

The seminal 1994 “Latham Report,” otherwise known as “Constructing the Team,” reinforced by the 1998 “Egan Report,” otherwise known as “Rethinking Construction,” and more recent 2011 “Government Construction Strategy” investigated the perceived problems in th

23 May 2017

Architectural culture is firmly one of hard work and long hours. Whether it’s because of an upcoming deadline or just the way of the creative process, architects are notorious for spending all day and night in the studio. So many generations of architects have perpetuated this standard that it has become something of a rite of passage. But what if architects could

28 February 2017

Communication in architecture is overwhelmingly associated with the visual: models, drawings, and renderings. While this is neither surprising nor unusual given the inherent physical quality of architecture, architects would also do well to recognize that perfecting non-visual communication is crucial for a productive architectural practice. Communication serves to

31 January 2017

Let no one make no mistake about the Automobile industry’s dedication to creativity and new ideas, in fact the automotive industry’s need for creativity is on par with that of architecture and these two fields always cross parts when the need of innovation props up. From the design of Automotive assembling plans to designing the interiors of car cabins, architectu

12 May 2014