Archive for the ‘ 3D Printing ’ Category

When 3D printing first broke onto the scene and started to gain traction, entering into the public consciousness, there were limited, niche applications available. Scientists, universities, and industries who could afford them for the emerging needs were the only places you found 3D printers.

16 July 2020

When 3D printing first burst onto the scene, it was the realm of high-tech engineers who were creating production models, rapid prototypes, and critical machining tools. However, a lot has changed in the 3D printing world over the past decade, including 3D printers becoming cheaper, smaller, and thus more accessible. 

21 February 2020

Many improvements to the quality of human life can be traced to technological advancements. For example: The mobile phone has become available worldwide. Because of its decreasing cost and because it is easy to use, families and friends now depend on the mobile phone as an indispensable tool for communicating and for exchanging personal information, picture

26 July 2016

Prostheses are artificial arms, legs or body parts that restore a reasonable degree of normal function of a limb or body part for amputees or people who have lost the normal use of a body part. Historically, prostheses have been available as beautifully designed imitations of arms, legs and other body parts. Unfortunately, these prostheses were inflexible and non

28 June 2016

You are a business executive, and your company has booked a first class three-hour flight for you to attend a business meeting. Soon after you are seated, the flight attendant brings you hors d’oeuvres of tasty scrumptious snacks made from various types of meat, fruit and vegetables, together with various types of dips and some wine. Because you have no special diet

31 May 2016

Unquestionably, Additive Manufacturing, known as 3D printing, has made an amazing inroad or encroachment on traditional manufacturing methods. 3D printing has several advantages over traditional manufacturing such as reduced cost, reduced transport costs, shorter time to market, and rapid prototyping during

4 August 2015

It is no secret that 3D printing, also called AM (Additive Manufacturing) has revolutionized the manufacturing industry, because 3D printing provides several advantages and benefits over conventional manufacturing methods. A brief list highlights

7 April 2015

To many people, the term 3D printing means that a product is built by squirting out blobs of plastic, or by laying down successive layers of material to be fused or bonded together into a product. The fact is that 3D printing technology has advanced beyond the developmental stage, and it is now being used on the factory floor to make complex metal-based parts. For th

17 March 2015