ICW Assisted American HVAC Manufacturing Firm in Meticulous Industrial CAD Design and Rendering

The Client - Mechanical & Industrial Engineering Specialists

With over a decade of experience, the client is a specialist in designing and manufacturing industrial and mechanical equipment, including split systems, vent systems, ducting, and cooling systems. Their cutting-edge valve and vent designs have gained them a prestigious reputation for accurate and professional ingenuity when catering to a myriad of conducting, venting, and funneling processes.

Requirements for the CAD Design Project

The client approached our team at IndiaCADworks, requiring services and assistance with a faulty automatic valve actuator. We were required to analyze the CAD designs of a component that was a part of an HVAC cooling and ducting unit and based on observations and suggestions; ascertain why the model was faulty and how it could be improved.

We were required to step in as an outsourcing partner who had the expertise in new product development and could complete this project accurately and within the needed timeline.

Challenges Tackled by Our Engineering New Product Development Team

Once this project was initiated, our team did come across a few challenges that affected our process in the early stages of the task. These challenges included the specific manufacturing methods the client wanted to use, and in-depth knowledge was also needed to properly visualize what they wanted to accomplish as this was a new product line.

To contend with these challenges, our team had numerous meetings with the client to detail exactly what they were trying to achieve and paid close attention to their original model designs. We also ensured to assign our most experienced team members to the task.

Process Steps for the Engineering Parts Design Project

At IndiaCADworks, we have a long-earned experience in numerous different facets of designing, rendering, and analysis work, in taking on this project we ensured to provide all of this experience and adapt our skills to better cater to the client’s needs to ensure high-quality output.

Our Step by Step Process Was as Follows:

  1. Following our initial meetings with the client to get clarity on the project guidelines, the client sent us their CAD designs and model concepts via file transfer
  2. We started by analyzing the CAD designs based on their initial observations and suggestions.
  3. We created visualizations of the expected functionality and engineering visibility and then presented our suggestions to the client.
  4. The client validated our suggestions, and in cases where a certain aspect was rejected, we reworked our designs.
  5. We also applied design changes in AutoCAD inventor and added these details to the final output.

Value Added Steps to Meet the Client’s Requirements

In addition to the analysis and designing work we did for the client; we took our output a step further and included beneficial CAD practices the client could use in future model designs to minimize failures.

The New Engineering Parts’ Designs Met the Clients Expectations

When it comes to creating new venting and ducting systems, accuracy, workability, and quality are the key factors in manufacturing something that will last and work successfully.

At IndiaCADworks, this is something we understand and can respect. When it comes to these systems, you need to get it right the first time, and there is no better way to do this, then by enlisting the services of a known professional.

Due to the manner in which we handled this project, we were able to afford the customer with the exact project outcome they needed and provide some training for future success while also saving them time and money. They were immensely impressed by our work and have since requested for more projects to be handled by us. We are pleased that we could assist the client and that everything concluded so successfully.

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