Large Scale AutoCAD Project for Italian Architectural Drawing Firm

The Client - A Leader in 2D and 3D Structural Drawing

Based in Italy, our client is an architectural drawingfirm that specializes in 2D to 3D conversion in the engineering and shop drawing spheres. The company works closely with architects, designers, and professionals in the stone industries, aiming to bring their structural visions to fruition.

Requirements for the Structural Drawing Project

IndiaCADworks (ICW) was approached with the requirement of developing the construction drawings including with floor plans and elevations for a selection of residential apartments. These drawings needed to include floors, doors, windows, and ceilings. We needed to ensure that we created flawless plan drawings and elevation drawings, keeping in line with the client ’s exact specifications.

The client provided us with a list of the drawings to be made as well as raw blueprints of the build areas. At the culmination of the project, we were required to send the client 240 sheets which covered the dimensions, area, and building materials used.

Our prior experience with similar tasks, as well as our ability to work quickly and accurately, made us the ideal outsourcing partner for this particular project.

Challenges Faced By ICW’s Engineering Team

The biggest issue we faced was the fact that no standard references or regulatory norms were provided. Our team was given a set of previously completed drawings, and we needed to infer the specifications using our own judgment. This method of working requires several years’ worth of experience and no small amount of in-depth architectural engineering knowledge.

Detailed Process Our Drafters Followed

Using AutoCAD our team of 4 dedicated resources set up a step-wise process that would enable us to get the job done quickly and efficiently:

  • We received the inputs from the client and took some time to review the requirements.
  • Draft copies were sent to the client. These detailed the required work standards and expected the level of detail.
  • Once the initial drafts were approved, we set about creating the final drawings complete with elevation details.
  • After completing a two-level quality check, we sent the final copies to the client.

Project Benefits - Detailed Construction Drawings with Additional Suggestions

Our thorough approach to this project and each team members’ background in the architectural subject matter ensured that all work was completed well within the expected deadline. Despite some challenges regarding specifications and standardizations, we managed to finish up the drawings, keeping them as detailed and accurate as possible. The client was highly satisfied with the quality of our work,and we will be partnering with them on similar projects shortly.

Note: References available on request

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